Tag: skincare tips

8 Free Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin Naturally

Skincare can be pretty pricey sometimes. This is true, especially now that we’re amid a pandemic. Nowadays, most people are finding ways to save on expenses. Looking for natural alternatives to care for your skin is one way to save money. Read on to discover ways to take care of your skin naturally and effectively that will cost you nothing.

First, you’ll learn how to manage your stress. Then, we’ll talk about the reasons why you should not pick your face and not use hot water when you’re washing your skin. Next, this article will discuss the importance of proper hydration, lessening the time you spend under the sun, protecting your skin from cigarette smoke, and getting enough sleep, then finish off with opting out of sugar. You will be able to take care of your skin in a natural way and at no cost to you after you have familiarized yourself with the information in this article.

1 Manage And Reduce Stress

Cortisol is released when your body perceives stress or anxiety. Your flight or fight response is all thanks to this hormone; however, too much of it can hurt you more than it helps. Your skin will lose its glow, produce excess oil, and will not be able to lock in moisture if your body has high levels of cortisol. Your skin’s moisture level can be affected by high levels of cortisol, causing a dull, gray look as well as the production of excess oil, which can lead to inflammation, redness, acne, line development, and premature wrinkling.

It can also cause eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea to flare up. You’ll also notice that your face would temporarily swell or flush when you’re stressed or anxious. This is due to an increase in blood flow, which also happens when the blood vessels under your skin’s surface dilate.

2 Don’t Pick Your Pimples

Always resist the urge to pop your pimple to avoid damaging your skin; also, the satisfaction you’ll get from doing it is only fleeting. A type of acne called acne mechanica is triggered by friction that occurs when you pick your pimple and caused by the bacteria and oil that clog the pores. Picking your pimples can only make the situation worse.

You will get a scar or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (brown spot) if you pop or squeeze a pimple. You may want to deal with a scar instead of a pimple. However, you can live without it.

3 Use Lukewarm Water (Not Hot)

Sebum is an oily, waxy substance found on your skin. Washing your face or showering with hot water can strip away the natural oils of your skin. On the other hand, washing with lukewarm water is ideal, as it locks in moisture that’s needed by your skin.

Lukewarm water is an excellent choice because it cleanses without completely removing all your skin’s oils. To get the best out of your cleanser, massage it on your skin for 60 seconds. Rinse well and allow it to dry.

4 Always Drink Water

Drinking enough water doesn’t necessarily hydrate the skin. But it helps your body perform better. Proper hydration helps boost kidney function, reduces the appearance of dark circles, removes the toxins from the body, reduces eczema and psoriasis, and eliminates puffiness.

What is a telltale sign of dehydration? Check the color of your urine. Drink more water if you see that it’s the shade of deep amber. The goal is lemonade-colored urine.

5 Limit Your Time In The Sun

You can always use sunscreen for protection, but it’s always better to stay out of the sun. The sun is responsible for about 90 percent of skin aging cases. This is especially true for those with fairer skin; it also increases the risk of skin cancer. Given the said high percentage, it’s recommended that you minimize your exposure to the sun or stay in the shade when you’re out.

Find other ways to protect your eyes, too, as you can’t put sunscreen on them. Note that squinting will not protect your eyes from the sun. Instead, it may just cause wrinkles and lines to form on your forehead and eye area.

6 Avoid Cigarette Smoke

The tobacco in cigarettes and vapes contains free radicals that may damage the DNA and other parts of skin cells. Cigarette or vape smoke also damages your skin’s collagen and elastin. This also results in constricted blood vessels, which reduces the levels of vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen in the skin. Blackheads can form when the toxic cigarette or vape smoke reaches the skin around your mouth and cheek areas.

Over time, this will bring about dark circles, premature aging, dehydration, and a dull complexion. Research also shows that smoking slows down healing. This means that the pimples will take much longer to heal and will then end up as brown spots.

7 Get Enough Sleep

Get yourself some beauty sleep. This allows cell regeneration and healing of your body. Cortisol, the hormone which causes thinning skin, stretch marks, and skin discoloration, is reduced when you sleep.

The good thing is that sleep boosts melatonin, the hormone that combats fine lines, skin cancer, and wrinkles. Sleep also increases collagen levels, and this results in wrinkle-free, plump skin. Most importantly, our human growth hormone levels increase during sleep, which helps repair any damage that our body goes through daily.

8 Opt Out Of Sugar

The skin takes some time to keep up with what you ate or how you felt days ago. The effects will show on your skin if you only have added sugars and refined carbohydrates as your energy source. As with everything else, too much of anything can damage the skin and body.

Too much sugar intake could cause inflammation and an insulin (the hormone responsible for regulating sugar levels in the blood) spike; also, the excessive use of exfoliating acids can strip the skin of its natural protective barrier. This is because an enzyme is produced, which attaches to the collagen fibers, breaking them down and making them lose their flexibility and strength. Check and control your diet once you see that your skin has become less elastic, more prone to acne, more susceptible to sun damage, and lines and wrinkles become more visible.

People these days are looking for ways to cut their spending, particularly now that we’re in the time of a pandemic. The truth is that skincare can burn a hole in your pocket. One easy way to reduce your expenses is to find natural ways of caring for your skin. This article has shared with you some of the best natural, no-cost beauty tips.

To give you the information you need, first, we covered some pointers for managing daily stress. Next, you were taught that you should not pick your pimples and not use hot water when washing your skin. Lastly, we discussed the importance of hydration, limiting your time under the sun, staying away from cigarette smoke, getting enough sleep, and opting out of sugar. Now that you’ve read this article, you’re well equipped with all the knowledge you need to care for your skin naturally without spending a dime.

7-Step Natural Skincare Regimen For Beautiful Skin

Beautiful, healthy skin requires building a daily skincare routine. Giving extra care and attention to your skin is a must. You can achieve healthy, glowing skin with our help. Read on to learn the natural ways of caring for your skin.

We’ll first look at reading ingredient labels as well as the importance of wearing sunscreen. Then, you’ll learn about the value of drinking enough water, using moisturizers, and breathing clean air. The significance of getting enough sleep is next on the list. Finally, the article explains the need to wash your face. You will be able to take care of your skin naturally once you familiarize yourself with the ideas shared in this article.

1 Read The Ingredient List

Quality products are made from ingredients of great quality. You should avoid skincare products with harmful, toxic ingredients. Only a few ingredients are banned in the United States, as there aren’t many regulations related to skincare. Understanding skincare ingredients is vital, but it can get confusing at times. Parabens, artificial fragrance, propylene glycol, and mineral oil are some of the ingredients you should look out for.

The Environmental Working Group provides more information on this. Seventeen of our products bear the EWG Verified™ mark. Learn more about how to read an ingredient label.

2 Regularly Wear Sunscreen

Most skin aging problems are caused by sun exposure. Excessive exposure to the sun causes dehydration and serious damage to the skin. Wearing sunscreen is one of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Wear protective clothing and avoid staying out in the sun for long periods. Wearing sunscreen every day is recommended. Look for a sunscreen lotion that is perfect for everyday wear.

3 Always Drink Water

Our skin requires water. Water hydrates the skin. The skin that lacks moisture tends to look dull; it has more noticeable lines and is itchy. Dehydration also makes the areas around your nose and eyes look darker.

Some of the drinks that cause skin dehydration are coffee and alcohol. Be sure to drink lots of water so your skin stays healthy and hydrated. You can avoid dehydration by exercising, getting good sleep, and eating fruits and vegetables.

4 Use A Moisturizer

Whatever skin type you have, whether it’s oily, dry, combination, mature, or acne-prone, using a moisturizer daily is essential. Proper skin moisturization helps you avoid dry, flaky skin and keeps your skin cells at optimum performance. Thus, it can help keep wrinkles and fine lines from appearing.

Find a specific product that contains a moisturizer and serum for hydrating and nourishing the skin. Also, pick a moisturizer that can be applied to any lines or wrinkles on your face that require some special attention. This is a skincare step that you shouldn’t miss.

5 Breathe Clean Air

Your skin’s health can be affected by artificial fragrances, smoke from cigarettes, and heavy air pollution. These things can generate harmful free radicals and may irritate your skin. If avoiding them is impossible, you can reach for nontoxic products to help your skin repair itself.

Damage to your skin can be helped with the use of products with antioxidants and natural and organic face wash. Additionally, breathing in fresh, clean air relaxes you and helps lower your stress. Now, you have one good reason to go outside and do something fun.

6 Get More Sleep

To be well-rested, each of us needs seven to nine hours of good sleep every night. Our body requires sleep to be able to rejuvenate, restore, and repair itself properly. Indeed, “beauty sleep” is not just an empty phrase we love to use!

When we sleep, our skin works on producing new collagen. It’s like drinking from the fountain of youth every time you go to sleep each night. Moreover, following a regular schedule of going to bed and waking up allows you to achieve restful sleep.

7 Wash Your Face

Properly washing your face eliminates oils and accumulated dirt and bacteria that make your pores seem bigger. Did you know that your face excretes natural oils at nighttime, and even your freshest pillows can contain teeny-tiny dirt? Thus, it is best to wash your face once you get out of bed to get rid of the oil and dirt that were collected while you were sleeping.

It is also important to rewash your face to wipe out makeup and grime from the day before jumping into your bed. Washing your face post-workout or after you sweat is another vital thing you need to keep in mind. Be sure to use a natural facial wash that’s gentle on your skin when washing your face.

With just a little help, you can make your wish to have healthy, glowing skin come true. Showering your skin with some tender loving care is the secret. The trick to beautiful, healthy skin is developing a consistent skincare routine. Here, we have shown you how you can easily care for your skin.

First, we discussed the importance of looking at the product’s ingredient list and putting on sunscreen when you go out in the sun. We also covered the effectiveness of drinking water in keeping your skin hydrated. Next, we explored the value of moisturizing. Then, we unraveled why breathing air that’s clean is essential to your skin’s health and overall well-being and concluded with how sleep can help keep your skin healthy. With the things that you have just learned from this article, you are now equipped with the right knowledge to naturally care for your skin.